Stig Östlund

måndag, januari 17, 2011

Aaron Green tips

"Ever since I purchased Cecilia Bartoli's 2011 Grammy Nominated album Sacrificium,, I haven't been able to stop listening to her.  Never in my life have I heard coloratura so clear, so accurate as Bartoli's.  In Sacrificium, Bartoli selected works that were written for castrati.  Castrati were boys castrated before puberty to preserve their high voices.  Once a castrato matured, his large powerful lungs enabled him to perform very long and demanding vocals.  During the 18th century over 4,000 boys shared this fate.  Thankfully, the act of castration was ended.  But back to Bartoli.  I have no doubt that her performances are as close to those of the castrati from over 200 years ago.  In this  Tube clip Bartoli performs Haydn's "Al tuo seo Fortunateo" from Orfeo ed Euridice (1791). Even if you don't like her voice, there's no denying Bartoli's prowess as a performer" /Aaron Green

Thank You Aaron Green
